Some tips to help with the sale of the Wine Preserver:
The Wine Preserver is a unique gas that lays a blanket over the wine. The inert gases that are in the container are heavier than air, and thus displace oxygen from the surface of the wine. This blanket of gases covers the surface of the wine and prevents the wine from oxidizing (spoiling). The mixture of gases are inert, harmless, tasteless and completely environmentally safe.
How the Preserver Is Used:
A patented nozzle was developed by Bill Federighi that has a special shaped channel that allows the air to be forced out of the bottle while the preserver is forced into the neck of the bottle and over the surface of the wine.You simply insert the canister into the neck of the wine bottle and press down three times to release the measured amount of gas. The wine bottle is then re-corked with a non-porous cork and stored upright.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why not just use a vacuum system?
First of all, vacuum systems do not work (Wall Street Journal 12/12/88); they are not effective in removing enough oxygen to prevent oxidation. Secondly, vacuum systems also remove the wine's bouquet.
Does the Wine Preserver affect the taste of the wine?
Absolutely Not! There are no chemicals in the preserver. It is an inert, harmless, tasteless gas. The Wine Preserver actually helps preserve the wine's bouquet, unlike vacuum wine saving products. This system is based on those used in the wineries for preservation -- we have simply made it consumer friendly.
How long will the wine be kept fresh?
Saving a bottle around the Cork Pops crew was the biggest challenge -- however, we did save the 5th bottle and managed to keep it for over 6 months without any deterioration in the wine. It should be noted that wines vary in their ability to be preserved for long periods of time. The preserver is designed to hold a bottle until it can be consumed -- not held indefinitely. Typically the wine should be consumed within a few weeks.
How quickly does the cork or the stopper need to be replaced after spraying the gas? As quickly as possible as air currents passing over the top of the bottle can disturb the gases on the surface of the wine. The bottle must be stored up-right.
Why is the canister so light?
Because all that it contains is a mixture of inert gases. (But you save on shipping!)
(1) Consumers who enjoy a single glass of wine or port but do not finish an entire bottle
(2) Wine bars or restaurants that serve wine by the glass
(3) Kitchen stores to merchandise with their oils and vinegars
(4) cooking schools for preserving wine that is used for cooking, vinegars and oils between classes - demos.
(5) Wine clubs for tastings
(6) Anyone who wants to save money!
I hope that this information will be of some help as you work toward increasing the sales of this product -- and compete in the sales contest! And my usual reminder -- if you open a new account -- we must have a credit card---please include the number with the order rather than ask us to contact the customer. Be sure to include a credit sheet for future orders.